When Should You Hire an Executive Resume Writer?


Last Update vor 8 Monaten

If you’re embarking on a career transition or going after a new role as an executive, how much work does your resume really need? Can you tweak it yourself to include your most recent experience, or is a more involved rewrite in order? If you fall into one of the categories below, you will likely benefit from the help of an executive resume writer.

You want to progress to a more senior level role

If you’re looking to transition to a more senior level role, writing your resume will require a different level of strategy and skill than writing a standard professional resume. Executives resumes should reflect the depth and unique strengths of one’s experience. As such, an executive resume writer offers more than just great writing and editing skills – they understand the strategy behind what separates a junior level resume from an executive level resume, and can help turn yours into a strategic marketing document that positions you for more competitive roles.

You’re applying, but not getting interviews

A generic resume might land you an interview for a lower-level position, but that strategy is unlikely to work for managers or executives. If your job search isn’t yielding interviews, it may be because your resume lacks focus and a true demonstration of relevant achievements. Senior level executives are often hired for a specific reason, whether it’s to help a company enter a new market, create a new product, build a successful team, or embark on high-stakes initiative. An expert executive resume writer can sharpen your resume’s focus to effectively align it with the specific roles you’re targeting, subsequently increasing your odds of landing an interview.

You haven’t job searched or updated your resume in years

If you haven’t sought a new employment opportunity for five, 10 or even 20 years, chances are you haven’t updated your resume in a while. In an ever-evolving marketplace, trends and professional standards continue to change, and the job search process is no different. Utilizing outdated resume formats and techniques can be viewed as a red flag by hiring managers.

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