What is the difference among the various resume services companies?
Last Update 8 bulan yang lalu
Our resume options are based on the professional level of the client.
The variance in pricing between the three resume services reflects the difference in the amount of work involved in producing each type of document. Typically, longer work histories and higher level positions require more time from our team of resume writers.
For example, if you are currently an executive or are targeting an executive position such as President, CFO, CIO, VP of Finance, Marketing Director, you would fall within our Executive Resume service. If you are seeking compensation over $125K, you would also fall within our Executive Resume service.
If you are a professional with over 2 years of experience, but are not at the executive level, you would fall within our Professional Resume service.
If you are an entry-level candidate or have up to 2 years of professional experience, you would fall within our Entry-Level resume service.